A centre for the empowerment of girls and young women.


Girls in rural Nepal experience extreme discrimination, abuse and suppression. In adolescence it is not uncommon for girls to be forced to spend the duration of their period in a shed with animals with no human contact with just water and bread for food.

Girls are expected to leave school early or not attended at all in order to marry early, often in their very early teens or younger.

I have been running a girls empowerment program for the last two years, the results have been fantastic, amongst other achievements girls are now speaking up to local government, learning self defence, speaking on national TV and really focusing on their futures for the first time. One of the most important aspects is the way in which the community now looks at the girls we work with. Fathers and village elders have seen huge benefits of letting the girls develop and grow.

We want to build a girls empowerment centre to give our program and the programs of others a centralised building for the community to learn about the benefits of girls empowerment and also as a refuge for young women who need help and support.

The overall goal of the program is to provide the platform to girls and other stakeholders for enhancing their knowledge and skill through enough information and education in Devchuli Municipality of Nawalpur District.

Objective of the Program
To uplift the knowledge and information of Girls issues across the region.
To empower and promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all through learning centre.

BUDGET: GBP 126,000